I’m Coming Out – October 7 at 10 AM

In honor of National Coming Out Day on October 11th, Pastor AJ will be asking us, “What does it mean to Come Out?” in this world today, not only as a Queer person but also a Progressive, a Unitarian Universalist, a Socialist and more? As we answer our call to become more authentic in our lives, “How do support those around us to celebrate their “Becoming?” The Onionaires will be joining us this Sunday.
Please join us.
Note: Children will begin service with us in the Sanctuary and then proceed to childcare and religious exploration programs.
Traditional Unitarian Universalist Sunday Morning Service
Pastor, AJ Blackwood, joined by our talented Music Director, Leigh Garner, will share with you a message of inclusiveness, community, hope and inspiration. During this time together, we will be offered opportunities for exploring what it is to be a Unitarian Universalist as we weave together our thoughts and experiences with music, beauty, poetry, and words that both comfort and challenge us as we gather to find meaning and live more authentically in our beloved community.