A Time for Stewardship

Dear Supporter,

As a current or past pledging member or friend of the SepulvedaUU community, you are part of a loving congregation that is guided by our Unitarian Universalist principles and our shared experiences of reverence and awe, commitment to social justice, diversity, inclusiveness, and encouragement of the cultural arts.

In the past year, we have been good Stewards of your gifts, as we dedicated our assets to the hiring of a full time Minister who brings inspiration, warmth, and leadership to our congregation. We have continued to re-energize our community by offering new and exciting programs on education, fellowship, and spiritual growth. We have come together to begin working on our dreams of social justice, and we are committed to being a Fair Share Congregation through our contribution to National UU Organizations. We have many ideas and dreams that we are working on to make us more visible and viable to our Community.

Pledges and contributions are a major portion of our revenue. This comes from folks like yourself that wish to join us in continuing to offer a home for spiritual growth, friendship, fellowship, and social justice. The realization of our dreams for our future are in your hands.

Please Click Here to pledge or contribute as you are best able.

Thank you for your support of the community we share, and for your participation in the realization of our shared dreams.

In Loving Community,

The Stewardship Team