A Word from Rev Gordon January 2025

New Years Thoughts for UU’s and Beyond:

I wish you all a happy New Year. I wish you all a happy New Year with lots of health, peace, and love. These are the sentiments I was holding onto as the New Year opened. These are the thoughts I still have despite the challenges that are everywhere.

The stakes for our congregation, our communities, our nation and our world couldn’t be higher!

All of our values as Unitarian Universalists, our work for justice, the communities we love, and the beloved community we seek to create are under attack. Our denomination, our congregation, we the individuals that name and claim Unitarian Universalism (the only interfaith denomination) as our chosen faith must speak with moral courage and act with prophetic clarity in these times and in our local communities.

Hatred must never win! Ignorance must never be allowed to prevail! Anti-racism is our duty to promote. Seeking not just tolerance, but a dismantling of anti-semitism, anti-immigrant, anti-black racism, anti-latinx, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, and all things that demean or oppress the human family. The cycles of hate have taken an enormous toll on our world, our nation and this community we love. In short, racism and hate must be dismantled and replaced with systems that are built with love, equanimity, and affirmation.

In the words of former UUA president Susan Frederick Gray, “Our UU values of interdependence, democracy, and the inherent worth and dignity of all people are direct antidotes to the fear, bigotry, and inequity that define our world. In this political moment, UUs are called to join forces with all people who want to organize our communities and our nation #DefeatHate.”

Dear friends in the words of the great Pete Seeger, “We shall overcome, We shall overcome, We shall overcome, some day!”

I believe this in my heart. I am a true believer that mercy, justice, peace, and love will prevail. Yet, as sure as I know that the arch of this universe is bending towards the good, I am sure it is our responsibility to stand up and do right. The time is now. The stakes couldn’t be higher and our faith, if it means anything to this nation, is about promoting love and justice. It is time, dear friends. Let us convene dialogues at our homes, our barber shops, our favorite eateries, and everywhere we go. We must lift our voices for peace, love and action. Pluralism matters! 

Deep in our collective hearts and minds, I do believe we UUs can make a difference today!

In faith and great expectation for this New Year,

Rev Gordon Clay Bailey

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