Being Your Best Self


Theme for the Month: Love As Our Center

To be your “best self” spiritually and psychologically means cultivating a deep sense of purpose, seeking meaning in life, self-awareness, positive self-esteem, and a connection to something larger than yourself. This is often achieved through practices like mindfulness, deep reflection, gratitude, and aligning your actions with your values, while also managing your emotions effectively and embracing personal growth. Our Unitarian Universalist faith offers support and the love of community. We don’t have to do it all alone in the process. Love actually is at the center of life!

This month at SepulvedaUU, we will be looking at how we can strive toward loving ourselves and extending this love to ever expanding concentric circles of humanity.

I always suggest that if possible, we do a daily check in. Where am I? How am I doing? Am I in right relationship with myself, my spouse, partner, family, friends, congregation, community, region, nation, world?

Wow, that is a lot! But striving to be the best incarnation of the self requires more than self serving attempts. It really requires letting go of one’s vision for the congregation and moving into a collective that achieves great things together. It often demands a lot from us. Being the love that you need takes courage and fortitude. Being the love this community and nation needs; well that takes a village and so much more involvement.

This month we are offering services, adult RE, Social Justice conversations, community fun and the fabulous personalities that are members and friends here. I hope others will join us!

I’ve heard the words of legacy quite often amongst the members of SepulvedaUU. What does that really look like? Who do we serve? Is Unitarian Universalism an inward looking religion? Or are we more about a us/them/we connection? I am outwardly inclined. I hope our SepulvedaUU is that way, too? Let’s show up for services. Let’s show up for programming. Let’s show up for LOVE!

In faith,
Rev Gordon

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