Beyond Beloved Conversations (Celebrating Diversity) (12/14)

Monthly Theme: Love as InterdependenceHost: Rev Gordon
10:00 am PTZoom Room 1

Unitarian Universalism (UUism) is a liberal religious movement that is characterized by a search for truth and meaning, and a variety of beliefs and practices. What does this mean to you? How does this impact your life? Let’s articulate these ideas together.

  • Spirituality: UUism is an active search for meaning in life, and a commitment to putting that meaning into practice. UUism encourages people to hold their beliefs in a variety of ways, and to be open to letting go of them as they discover new truths.
  • How does this resonate for you? If it doesn’t, let’s share what does. Opening the book of your spiritual self is a rich and rewarding experience. Come share this important aspect of your being with us in a safe and affirming space.
  • Theology: Unitarian Universalists have a variety of beliefs, including:
  • God: Some Unitarian Universalists believe in a God, while others do not. Some believe in a sacred force, such as “love,” “mystery,” or “spirit of life.”
  • Some UUs don’t believe in a deity or gods, but rather, in the unfolding of the universe in a benign way.
  • Still others aren’t sure what they believe or hold sacred.
  • Many of us have started as Christian, Jews, Muslims, Buddhist or other faith systems, only to find that we are an amalgamation of the world’s wisdom.
  • Revelation: Unitarian Universalists believe that revelation is ever unfolding.
  • Jesus: Unitarian Universalists believe that Jesus was a prophet of God, and that other prophets have come from God in other faith traditions.
  • Love: Unitarian Universalists believe that love is more important than doctrine.
  • Conscience: Unitarian Universalists believe that people should be free to choose their beliefs based on their own conscience.
  • Reason: Unitarian Universalists believe that reason and conscience are the final authorities in matters of religious belief.
  • Scripture: Unitarian Universalists honor the Bible and other inspiring scripture.
  • Community: Unitarian Universalists believe that life is richer in community, and gather together to know and be known, to comfort and be comforted.

So, come join us for a lively time. Twice a month. An hour and a half of your time, your sense of spirituality, and the theological concepts you are living with today.

  • Second Saturday Morning 10-11:30am
  • Fourth Thursday evening 7-8:30pm

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