Lunch Club at Mediterranean Bistro

Lunch Club at Mediterranean Bistro

The Lunch Club enjoyed another great lunch together in July. We’ll meet up again Saturday, August 17th at the Mediterranean Bistro in Porter Ranch. We will meet at 12:30 pm. We hope to see you there! We ask that you RSVP with Gary D or Marilyn M by Thursday, August 15th so we can make reservations. See you there!

Lunch Club at Rincome Thai

Lunch Club at Rincome Thai

Our first lunch group meeting in June was fun and delicious, and we are looking forward to this month’s Lunch Club at Rincome Thai. Bring a friend or family member if you like and join us for a pleasant afternoon in each other’s company. We ask that you RSVP with Gary D or Marilyn M by Thursday, July 18th so we can make reservations. See you there!