Welcoming Congregation Training

Welcoming Congregation Training

SepulvedaUU is hosting a Welcoming Congregation Training. This is part of our process toward Welcoming Congregation Renewal status. We are meeting Monday, March 31st, time and location TBA. We will watch an engaging documentary together then discuss the history and realities of being Trans in our country today.  This program will be facilitated by our guest, Joanne Culver. Joanne is a counselor and a person intimately knowledgeable of the history and life experiences of Trans people today. Join us for an educational opportunity and a deepening of our SepulvedaUU commitment to Center LOVE.

In Loving Memory of Lucy Cox

In Loving Memory of Lucy Cox

“When sorrow comes, let us accept it simply, as a part of life. Let the heart be open to pain; let it be stretched by it. All the evidence we have says that this is the better way. An open heart never grows bitter. Or if it does, it cannot remain so. In the desolate hour there is an outcry, a clenching of the hands upon emptiness, a burning pain of bereavement, a weary ache of loss. But anguish, like ecstasy, is not forever. There comes a gentleness, a returning quietness, a restoring stillness. This, too, is a door to […]

JUUstice LA Meeting (03/29)

JUUstice LA Meeting (03/29)

VISION: We envision a flourishing community throughout greater Los Angeles that embodies the Unitarian Universalist values of justice, equity and compassion, that recognizes the worth of every individual, and respects the environment we share. MISSION: Our mission is to organize the resources of individual Unitarian Universalists and our congregations into a regional body that acts as an inspiring leader and effective partner to transform oppressive systems and create social justice in greater Los Angeles. Join us monthly as you can on the 4th Saturdays at 12:00 pm via SepulvedaUU’s ZOOM. If you have questions about JUUstice LA or why we […]