President’s Corner

President’s Corner

It has been a while since you have heard from me. I am still trying to heal from my accident in November. The Board has been hard at work planning the calendar for the coming year. The next year will be pivotal for our future. The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 9th at 12:30 pm via Zoom (ZOOM Room 1). We will be voting on next year’s budget, electing positions on the Board and our Nominating and Endowment Committees, as well as deciding if our congregation should adopt the “8th Principle.” These are all very important […]

Annual Congregational Meeting

Annual Congregational Meeting

Join us for our Annual Congregational Meeting! We would like to reflect on our past year, plan financially for the upcoming year, elect church leadership, discuss the vote for the 8th principle, and celebrate our life together. For more information, please contact Janet L. Notice of ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sunday June 9, 2024 via ZoomMeeting  will be held on Zoom via the following link (it is our regular Zoom Room 1) or phone number. Meeting ID: 979 0524 6696 or Dial by your location 669-444-9171. AGENDA “We, Sepulveda Unitarian Universalist Society, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness […]

Lunch Club

Everyone is invited to participate in our newly formed Lunch Club. Our first lunch is set for noon on Saturday, June 15th at the Ranch Side Café. (We will each pay for our own meal). We ask that you let Gary D or Marilyn M know by Thursday, June 13th at the latest that you will be attending so we can make a reservation. Each month someone in the group will choose the restaurant for our next lunch date. Getting together for lunch is a great way to get to know each other better. Everyone is welcome to attend, so […]

A Word from Rev Gordon

June 2024 Theme: Love as Celebration June gloom, June weather is real here in the Valley. Wow, I had forgotten that! It is almost summer and I’m longing for the warm days. I’d like 80-90 with low humidity! It feels good to me. How about you? How does June in all of its glory, Love and Celebration resonate with you? Love Connects Us. Love celebrates important ways Unitarian Universalists live out our faith in this covenantal community. Many of us have been moved by love and gathered in spirit, we embrace our responsibility toward one another and the world at […]

Death Cafe – Session II

Death Cafe – Session II

What will your loved ones say about you? One way to ensure your story is told correctly is to write it yourself. The great writer Flannery O’Connor said, “A story is a way to say something that can’t be said any other way.” A eulogy — a remembrance speech at a funeral — often includes stories about the departed loved one. Yet how many of us know the whole story and unique path of even those closest to us? It’s not egotistical to write your own eulogy. Many grief counselors and thanatologists encourage people to think about their favorite memory […]

Beyond Beloved Conversations: Resource Library

Beyond Beloved Conversations: Resource Library

Articles: Books:  Television miniseries:  PBS has several documentaries about sexism, including: Movies: Youtube: Ted Talk: Movies That Tell Our Stories: (April 2024) Disney+ Launchpad (These are short stories that have lots of intersectionality): Immigration (These are immigrant stories): _________________________ Ability Asian Gay/Lesbian Latino Trans Black

Beyond Beloved Conversations: Syllabus

Beyond Beloved Conversations: Syllabus

Beyond Beloved Conversations is an online program designed for UU’s and others who are navigating the challenges of dismantling the linked oppressions in a congregational context. Topics covered include: This program gives participants an opportunity to learn more, consider and discuss these issues from different angles and perspectives, to try on some new ideas, to ask some hard questions of themselves and/or each other, and to share some of the concerns these issues raise for them as they work for transformation in their own lives and in their congregations. Details Type Description Name Beyond Beloved Conversations Authors Gordon Clay Bailey, […]

A Word from Rev Gordon

May 2024 Theme: Love as Equity Can we talk; or at least engage in a dialogue about something that is on my heart. I’ve been thinking about Investing your time with people and the fact that it comes at a cost. When you go to visit your relatives, go to dinner with a friend, or stay after work to talk with someone you are investing your time with them. You are giving of yourself and I wonder how often it is a selfless act? I am a counselor, a teacher a minister a chaplain. So much of my life is […]

Death Cafe (5/5)

Death Cafe (5/5)

We welcome you to our Death Cafe. It is a respectful space where you can feel comfortable sharing your questions, curiosity, fears, beliefs, and stories about any / all aspects of death, grief, mourning, bereavement. We have learned that there is often lots of laughter, as well as a few tears. We will start in May and meet bimonthly for 1.5 hours. During the sessions we will try writing, maybe delivering eulogies, writing living wills, consider burial options, cremation, video remembrances, create a song list for your memorial service, and so much more. This isn’t morbid or sad, it is […]

A Word from Rev Gordon

A Word from Rev Gordon

Our Theme for this month is Love as Generosity:

What does it mean to be generous?

Merriam-Webster Dictionary  translates generous as “characterized by a noble or kindly spirit; liberal in giving; marked by abundance or ample proportions.”