Day 22. Music as Medicine in Native Communities

On Day 22 of our 30 Days of Honoring Native American Heritage Month Through Music, we explore the profound role that music plays as a form of healing in Native American communities. Throughout history, Indigenous cultures have utilized music not only as a means of expression but also as a vital tool for spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. Today, we delve into the traditions, practices, and beliefs surrounding music as medicine within Native cultures.

The Healing Power of Music
Music has long been recognized for its therapeutic effects, transcending cultural boundaries and touching the human spirit. In Native American communities, music is intricately woven into various healing practices, serving as a medium to restore balance and harmony. This connection to healing is rooted in the belief that music can:

  • Promote Emotional Healing: Music provides an outlet for expressing emotions, helping individuals process feelings of grief, loss, or trauma. Through song, Native communities can connect with their experiences and foster a sense of belonging and support.
  • Facilitate Spiritual Connection: Many Indigenous ceremonies incorporate music as a way to invoke the spirit world, seeking guidance and healing from ancestral forces. Songs are often regarded as sacred, believed to carry the power to connect individuals with their cultural heritage and spiritual identity.
  • Aid Physical Healing: Traditional healers often use music in conjunction with medicinal plants and rituals to promote physical healing. Songs may accompany healing ceremonies or be performed for those who are ill, reinforcing the belief that sound vibrations can have a positive impact on health.

Traditional Healing Practices and Music
In many Native cultures, music is a central component of healing ceremonies. Some notable examples include:

  • Healing Songs: These songs are specifically composed for healing purposes, often tailored to the needs of the individual. They may be sung during ceremonies led by traditional healers or passed down through generations as part of a community’s cultural heritage.
  • Drumming: Drumming is a powerful and rhythmic form of music that is often used in healing practices. The heartbeat-like sound of the drum is believed to resonate with the human spirit, promoting relaxation and emotional release.
  • Chanting: Chanting is a form of vocal expression that can serve as a spiritual practice, helping individuals connect with their inner selves and the spirit world. Many Indigenous chants carry deep meanings and are integral to rituals and healing ceremonies.
  • Sweat Lodge Ceremonies: These ceremonies often involve songs sung by participants as they enter a sweat lodge for purification and healing. The music enhances the experience, creating a sacred space for reflection and connection.

Contemporary Applications of Music as Medicine
In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in the therapeutic benefits of music within Native communities. Many young artists are exploring the intersection of traditional music and contemporary healing practices.

  • Music Therapy Programs: Some Native organizations have begun to incorporate music therapy into mental health and wellness programs. These programs aim to address issues such as trauma, addiction, and mental health challenges faced by Indigenous communities.
  • Collaborations with Health Professionals: Indigenous musicians are collaborating with health professionals to explore the therapeutic potential of music in holistic healing practices. This fusion of traditional and contemporary approaches is helping to validate the role of music in wellness.
  • Cultural Revitalization: Young Native artists are reclaiming traditional healing songs and incorporating them into modern music styles, creating a fusion that resonates with their generation. This revitalization of cultural practices strengthens community ties and fosters pride in Indigenous identity.

Listen to this SBS podcast discussing the healing practices of various Indigenous communities and the role of music in those traditions at (

Join us throughout the month of November as we celebrate these remarkable achievements, creating space for reflection, joy, and growth as we listen to the voices of Native American musicians past and present.

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