Potluck Sunday – Annual Stewardship Campaign Kickoff

Date(s) - 03/12/17
11:30 am 12:30 pm

The Onion

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Annual Stewardship Campaign Kickoff

You are invited to our monthly SUUS Potluck Sunday to help us kickoff the annual stewardship campaign!

Suggested potluck participation based on the first letter of your last name:

A-G: Dessert

H-K: Irish Soda Bread

L-Z: Salad or Vegetable Dish

A-Z: Join the Stewardship Team

To be provided: Corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes

Share delicious dishes and enjoy time to connect and to socialize. Reduce the workload for the hospitality crew by bringing your ready-to-serve dish to the SUUS kitchen, and take it home to clean.

If you cannot bring food to share, consider bringing paper goods, or coffee. We do go through the plate, forks, etc. pretty quickly and can use whatever you might give. All are welcome to help set up and clean up. We appreciate whatever help you can give.

For more information contact us via email, call 8188949251, or contact Phyllis Ruscillo or Gerardo Zamora.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Join the Stewardship Campaign team

We are seeking volunteers with creative outreach ideas to engage our members, or those to do basic clerical tasks. Volunteers will be involved for a limited number of hours between March 12 and April 30. Pledges are confidential and shared only on a need-to-know basis by our office staff and appointees.

The first team meeting is Wednesday, March 15 at 6:00 p.m. in the Conference Room. There will be an introductory Meet-and-Greet after the potluck this Sunday at the table in the sanctuary marked with the Shamrock balloon. Contact Barrie Hafler for more information or to volunteer.