Harvest the Power Leadership Development Class

Host: Rev Matthew

Location: Zoom

We are excited to join the EmersonUU congregation in their Harvest the Power Leadership Development class. This class asserts that leadership in a congregational setting can and should be a deeply spiritual experience. This program offers opportunities to enrich and deepen leadership skills as well as spiritual growth, in a way that honors the gifts that each of us brings.​ Harvest the Power is designed for adults of all ages and stages, young adults through elders, who currently hold or are considering accepting a congregational leadership position.

Led by Rev. Matthew McHale & Rev. Rebecca Bijur, this program will take place across six sessions Sundays from 1:30-3:30 pm, on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month: January 28, February 11 & 25, March 10 & 24, and April 14.

If you’re interested, want to know more, or want to sign up, email Rev Matthew.