The SepulvedaUU Social Justice Committee
*Due to global pandemic The Social Justice Committee is currently not meeting. Click on the outreach link below to see how you can make a difference in our community during this time.
The mission of the SepulvedaUU Social Justice Committee is to coordinate social action efforts, empower the congregation to choose social justice issues for study and action, and integrate such activities fully into the overall life of the congregation. Regular committee meetings are held and members and friends of SepulvedaUU are encouraged to attend and make their voice heard, as the committee decides on key matters and what path the Sepulveda Unitarian Universalist Society will take in the fight for “peace, liberty, and justice for all.” Those members and friends of the congregation who would like to lend their voice in a more informal setting are invited to attend the monthly Justice Discussion Group.

Justice Discussion Group
The Justice Discussion Group is sponsored by the social Justice Committee. This is an awareness-raising, education and action-oriented discussion group dealing with issues concerning Economic, Environmental, and Social Justice. Each Justice Discussion will include a featured topic introduced by the discussion facilitator. Following this, each participant is welcome to discuss their continuing concerns and thoughts on the topic or pose additional questions to the group. Time allowing, any other concerns or current events may be introduced for discussion. Should there be a need, a brief meeting may be held to vote on proposed actions or events.
Together we can empower one another to seize opportunities for activism, awareness, and advocacy to help make a difference. Until you make it to the next discussion group or SJC meeting, go ahead and see how you can make a difference.
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