My Ice Cream, Your Joy

Monthly Theme: Summertime Manifestations
Where: Center for Spiritual Living, Zoom: Sanctuary

The Sunday Experience
4:30 pm – Welcome and Hospitality
5:00 pm – Evening Service (ZOOM Opens)
6:00 pm – Refreshments
6:30 pm – Continuing Conversations

There is no question why observances such as New Year’s or the different Independence Days are celebrated around the world. Others, like National Ice Cream Day, might be thought to exist only if they continue to benefit the economy. However, encouraging and uplifting the joys that others find in these moments can also be an important part of the observance.

Jake Hearen [Blackfeet / Sámi] grew up in Austin, TX before moving away to attend college and enlist in the Army. The Unitarian Universalist Association approved his entry into the Army Reserve Chaplain Candidate Program while studying at Union Theological Seminary (NYC). His ministry has spanned Turtle Island to include a prison internship, hospital residency, and congregational work, in addition to chaplaincy for defense and native communities. He is currently a Doctor of Buddhist Ministries student, focusing on the spiritual well-being of transitioning service members.

Children’s Play and Learning Trays: Children’s learning trays will have Legos and other materials. Please bring flowers, peddles, grass, sticks, or other natural materials to add to the building’s creativity, there will be some provided.

All are invited on Sunday evening at 4:30 pm for welcome and hospitality as we gather for our evening celebration. Our Service begins at 5:00 pm and lasts approximately one hour after which all are invited to enjoy conversation and refreshments.

All are welcome!

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Center for Spiritual Living
17622 Chatsworth St
Granada Hills, CA 91344

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