President’s Corner

The last few months have been challenging in many ways. I am finally back and able to get around in
limited capacity. I am so happy to be able to attend our services and share time with everyone. I am
also very grateful for everyone in the congregation who showed up for me in some way, whether it was
taking on meeting, visiting or sending a card. This is what community is about, being there for each
other during the hard times and the good times.

I have been busy making plans with the Board and with Rev. Gordon. There are several things in the
works and you will be hearing more in the coming weeks. We are planning a second town hall in March
that will be held on Zoom. I urge everyone to attend. This is your opportunity to provide input and
vision for the future. It is important that all voices are heard. We had the kick-off meeting for our
chapter of the Progressive Interfaith Alliance, I was happy to see 9 participants at the meeting. I am
looking forward to what we can build together.

There are exciting things starting to happen here at Sepulveda UU.