President’s Corner

It has been a while since you have heard from me. I am still trying to heal from my accident in November.

The Board has been hard at work planning the calendar for the coming year. The next year will be pivotal for our future. The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 9th at 12:30 pm via Zoom (ZOOM Room 1). We will be voting on next year’s budget, electing positions on the Board and our Nominating and Endowment Committees, as well as deciding if our congregation should adopt the “8th Principle.” These are all very important decisions for our community, and I hope to see everyone there.

General Assembly is also coming up in June. I would like to encourage anyone who is interested in becoming a delegate. This year delegates will be voting on a major change to the UUA By-Laws, Article II. This year’s GA will be all virtual. Our Board has agreed to pay the registration for GA if you are interested in being a delegate. Please see Janet L for details and further information.

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