Support Our Unhoused Community Members

Dear friends,

It is a very special time of year. Truth, every time of year, every time of life is special. Someone is being born, someone is transitioning from this earth, Holidays happen, birthdays come and go, so everyday is special to someone. Sadly, not everyone has the privilege to enjoy the special times due to circumstance, sometimes beyond their control. In my joy and abundance, I want to share with others who, for one reason or another, are in need.

So what is this about? This is about me learning about a critical shortage of men’s clothing that the North Valley Caring Services (NVCS) is experiencing. I wasn’t surprised to learn of this shortage. I knew men in general did not give clothing away once they were done with it. In fact, having lived most of my life in big cities I’ve noticed perfectly good men’s clothing in the trash. I’m not too proud to say I’ve even picked a few items out for myself.

So here is my ask. Please bring to a SepulvedaUU service gently worn men’s clothing. If you are inclined, new items are greatly appreciated too.

I will take the items to NVCS and some male presenting person will be happy for your kindness.

If you have questions or need me to come to you to pick up please email me at Rev Gordon.

In faith and Seasons Best to you and yours,

Rev Gordon