This Gathered Community: A Company of Strangers

Monthly Theme: Summertime Manifestations
Where: Center for Spiritual Living, Zoom: Sanctuary

The Sunday Experience
4:30 pm – Welcome and Hospitality
5:00 pm – Evening Service (ZOOM Opens)
6:00 pm – Refreshments
6:30 pm – Continuing Conversations

A sermon titled “This Gathered Community: A Company of Strangers,” originally delivered in 1996 by Reverend Barbara Child, Interim Minister at SepulvedaUU from 1996 to 1997, will be presented. Though Reverend Child won’t be present, the words she shared with us nearly thirty years ago continue to remind us of who we are and what community means to us.

Before becoming a Unitarian Universalist in 1996, Reverend Child taught English at Kent State University in Ohio, practiced poverty law in Ohio, taught at Golden Gate University of Law in San Francisco and the University of Florida College of Law, and much more. Retired, she currently lives in Bloomington, Indiana.

Children’s Play and Learning Trays: Jars that have affirmations from the congregation will be waiting for the children. On each side of the box will be the words: Ways to care for yourself, Ways to care for family, Ways to care for friends, and Ways to care for the Earth and our community. The Children will get stickers to write or draw symbols on each side that answer those questions.

All are invited on Sunday evening at 4:30 pm for welcome and hospitality as we gather for our evening celebration. Our Service begins at 5:00 pm and lasts approximately one hour after which all are invited to enjoy conversation and refreshments.

All are welcome!

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Center for Spiritual Living
17622 Chatsworth St
Granada Hills, CA 91344

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