This Land Is Your Land, This Land is My Land: Homecoming Sunday!


The Sunday ExperienceMonthly Theme: Welcome Home
Speaker: Rev Gordon Clay Bailey
Host: Teri I

The Sunday Experience
4:30 pm – Welcome and Hospitality
5:00 pm – Evening Service (ZOOM Opens)
6:00 pm – Breaking Bread Together

Bring your water or your rocks from home or away as we gather together. This service will look at the historic realities and the present conversations about whose land this is and how can live more lovingly with one another.

Breaking Bread Together: SepulvedaUU’s Hospitality Team is inviting everyone to join us for a September Super Salad Sunday! Hospitality will be providing some salads, bread and condiments, dessert and drinks. If you would like to bring something to share to add to the table, that would be great!! Help with clean up is also greatly appreciated! Helping hands are always welcome. Our Gatherings at Breaking Bread Together are greatly successful and are good times of community connection and fun. If you have comments or questions, please reach out to our Hospitality Team: Phyllis R, Mary K, Gary D, or Claudia H.
All are invited on Sunday evening at 4:30 pm for welcome and hospitality as we gather for our evening Service. Our Service begins at 5:00 pm and lasts approximately one hour after which all are invited to enjoy conversation and refreshments.

All are welcome!

Learn more about our Upcoming Services.

Join us every Sunday!

Sepulveda UU Society
Center for Spiritual Living
17622 Chatsworth St
Granada Hills, CA 91344

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