What’s Love Got to Do With It?

Monthly Theme: Love as Celebration
Where: Center for Spiritual Living, Zoom: Sanctuary

The Sunday Experience
4:30 pm – Welcome and Hospitality
5:00 pm – Evening Service (ZOOM Opens)
6:00 pm – Refreshments
6:30 pm – Continuing Conversations

Tina Turner, in one of her most famous songs, sang the line, “What’s love got to do with it?” one of the most well known titles and questions in modern history. Through the lens of the 2024 world view, as we look at various religions, philosophies, and public policies that often speak of being driven by love and kindness, but are not, we must ask ourselves that same question.

More importantly, how can we make love more meaningful and return it to our everyday lives as the institutions around us fall apart?

All are invited on Sunday evening at 4:30 pm for welcome and hospitality as we gather for our evening celebration. Our Service begins at 5:00 pm and lasts approximately one hour after which all are invited to enjoy conversation and refreshments.

All are welcome!

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Center for Spiritual Living
17622 Chatsworth St
Granada Hills, CA 91344

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Dr John Gilmore is a Massage Therapist, a Reiki Master Teacher, a Tai-chi and qigong instructor, a Workshop Leader, and a Certified Life Coach specializing in Reinventing Work and Spirituality. He has written several books and articles on Practical Spirituality and how we can use belief system in creative out of the box ways, to not only enhance our lives, but to build communities that will enhance the lives of others. At present, he specializes in a mind, body, and spirit healing practice as well as a radio show and forum he hosts on Practical Spirituality at Blog Talk Radio and on Anchor.

Rev Dr John Gilmore (Om Prakash) was a Unitarian Universalist (UU) Minister for more than fifteen years starting as a Parish Minister and Extension Minister and moving toward Community Ministry. He is now a retired UU Minister working to promote Health, Wellness, and Healing on the levels of mind, body, and spirit. He served as a Parish Minister for many years, and lastly as a Wellness and Social Justice Community Minister at UU Church of Bedford, MA while working as the Director of the MA Chapter of the Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community (UUJEC) and later the Co-Director and Director of the UUJEC National. Om Prakash was also a JUUST Change Consultant, and Director of Racial and Social Justice for the Joseph Priestley District. He has been a CUUPS member for several years and is now serving on the CUUPS (Covenant of UU Pagans and Earth Based Traditions) Board in the Ministerial and Right Relations position.

Om Prakash attended Eastern Theological Seminary, Meadville Lombard Divinity School, and the University of Creation Spirituality, an interfaith school started by Phd Matthew Fox. Later he studied spiritual direction for one year at Sat Yoga Yoga Institute in CR where he led a pranic healing circle and taught Tai-chi. He has studied mystical Christianity, took a Yogic Chanting pilgrimage to an Ashram that blends together Christianity and Hinduism, and has taken a nine month course in the US on Yogic Chanting. He was also a member of Won Buddhist Temple for six years and a monthly speaker for a year.

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