Housewarming Basket Update
The collection for Housewarming Baskets has been highly successful. Thank you to all the wonderful people who made contributions!
Ya’ll are so very generous! We will be taking our collections, at least two baskets full, to North Valley Caring Services this week to be distributed to newly housed members of the community! We are sure they can use it! The end of November is the official end of the Housewarming Baskets drive. However, given the success of this program going forward once a month, with your help, we will continuing providing a Housewarming Basket to our community.
Basic household items are needed, such as towels, washcloths, linens, and kitchen items such as pots and pans and dishes as well as personal items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, deodorant and feminine hygiene products, etc. NOTE: All personal items must be new and unused.
If you have additional donations to make, please contact North Valley Caring Services, kjoseph@vncsinc.org.
We are grateful for your efforts. Thank you very much!
Caring Circle
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