April 23 service: Rev. Rayna Hamre inspires us to climb the UU Tree of Life.

The Tree of Life has a rich and ancient history in many cultures. We can learn from the past, and look toward the future, by better understanding our world’s trees and forests as kindred beings that share our imperiled world. Join us on Sunday for a lively exploration of how our UU Tree speaks to us as a symbol of love and hope across the generations.

Please join all SUUS services using this Zoom link:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 920 6466 4193
Passcode: 151860
Dial-in only (669) 900-9128

SUUS services are held the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. SUUS meets at the Center for Spiritual Living – 17622 Chatsworth St, Granada Hills CA 91344. Please join us for coffee and conversation at 4:30PM, with services beginning at 5PM.
