April 9 Easter service: Pastor Joshua Berg ~ “Restoring the Spirit: From Lent to Omer”

Easter included a celebration of Passover. Leading up to Easter, the 40 days of Lent is meant as an expression of regret and repentance for sins. Following Passover, the period of the Omer in Judaism is 49 days of spiritual renewal and preparation for receiving the Torah. This year Lent happens to conclude just as Counting the Omer begins, both on April 6. Let us worship together this Easter Sunday calling up the sacred and the spiritual in the task of spiritual cleansing across faith practices.

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Passcode: 151860

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SUUS services are held the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. SUUS meets at the Center for Spiritual Living – 17622 Chatsworth St, Granada Hills CA 91344. Please join us for coffee and conversation at 4:30PM, with services beginning at 5PM.
