SUUS welcomes speaker Frida Ramires Aldapa from the Refugee Children Center in North Hills. Join us at our 5PM to learn how you can engage and support this invaluable organization!

The Center’s mission is to provide a healing embrace and a dignified welcome to children and their families who have made the perilous journey from the South of the U.S.-Mexico border and identify as Indigenous from Meso and South America, historically, culturally, and through their Indigenous language or who speak Spanish.

We aim to offer our Center as a hopeful refuge that provides support through a holistic approach with basic needs, opportunities for personal development, enrichment activities, and access to legal and social services, thus easing our children and their families’ transition to a new life in the United States.

Please join our service using : Meeting ID: 920 6466 4193Passcode: 151860Dial-in only (669) 900-9128

SUUS services are held the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. SUUS meets at the Center for Spiritual Living – 17622 Chatsworth St, Granada Hills CA 91344. Please join us for coffee and conversation at 4:30PM, with services beginning at 5PM.

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