What you resist, persists.

Have you ever gotten exactly what you didn’t want? Some people say that is the Law of Attraction. When you focus on what you don’t want, you often get just that. What are the implications of this principle for your life and your work in the world? Are you focusing on the wrong things? Are you clear about what you actually want? Guest speaker Rev. Dr. Kikanza Nuri-Robins leads our Sunday service.

Please join our service using Zoom.com : https://zoom.us/j/92064664193?pwd=akZIdDA4WHNhclg3TGM4N3VHMHRCQT09

Meeting ID: 920 6466 4193 Passcode: 151860

Dial-in only (669) 900-9128

SUUS services are held the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. SUUS meets at the Center for Spiritual Living – 17622 Chatsworth St, Granada Hills CA 91344. Please join us for coffee and conversation at 4:30PM, with services beginning at 5PM.
